Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mars Effect short film

Mars Effect was one of our school projects and actually it was the first animated short I've been involved with. It's not perfect by any means but still, it was quite useful project to learn the process for creating such animations and to avoid the mistakes we did with this one.

 The whole animation was made in Blender but some minor additional compositing was done in After Effects. As for my part in the process... I modelled the rocket, the flag and set up the simulation for it. I also animated a number of scenes, like the opening and closing scenes and many others.

 We actually got third place in Assembly 2012 short film compo. That was rather interesting experience :) More information about the video can be seen on it's Vimeo page.

Here's a video showing some of the things I did for the animation.

My Mars Effect from Jarmo Wallenius on Vimeo.